- Create Date: 2024-11-26
- Update Date: 2024-11-26
题目1 日期交叉问题
with tmp as ( select 'xiaomi' as brand ,'2021-06-05' as start_date,'2021-06-09' as end_date union all select 'xiaomi' as brand ,'2021-06-11' as start_date,'2021-06-21' as end_date union all select 'vivo' as brand ,'2021-06-05' as start_date,'2021-06-15' as end_date union all select 'vivo' as brand ,'2021-06-09' as start_date,'2021-06-21' as end_date union all select 'honor' as brand ,'2021-06-05' as start_date,'2021-06-21' as end_date union all select 'honor' as brand ,'2021-06-09' as start_date,'2021-06-15' as end_date union all select 'honor' as brand ,'2021-06-17' as start_date,'2021-06-26' as end_date union all select 'huawei' as brand ,'2021-06-05' as start_date,'2021-06-26' as end_date union all select 'huawei' as brand ,'2021-06-09' as start_date,'2021-06-15' as end_date union all select 'huawei' as brand ,'2021-06-17' as start_date,'2021-06-21' as end_date ) select brand ,sum(datediff(end_date, start_date) + 1) as diff_days from ( select brand ,if(start_date <= max_date, date_add(max_date, 1), start_date) as start_date ,end_date from ( select brand ,start_date ,end_date ,max(end_date) over(partition by brand order by start_date rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) as max_date from tmp ) ) where end_date > start_date group by brand
题目2 同时最大在线人数问题
with tmp as(
select 1001 as user_id, '2021-06-14 12:12:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 18:12:12' as end_date
union all
select 1003 as user_id, '2021-06-14 13:12:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 16:12:12' as end_date
union all
select 1004 as user_id, '2021-06-14 13:15:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 20:12:12' as end_date
union all
select 1002 as user_id, '2021-06-14 15:12:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 16:12:12' as end_date
union all
select 1005 as user_id, '2021-06-14 15:18:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 20:12:12' as end_date
union all
select 1001 as user_id, '2021-06-14 20:12:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 23:12:12' as end_date
union all
select 1006 as user_id, '2021-06-14 21:12:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 23:15:12' as end_date
union all
select 1007 as user_id, '2021-06-14 22:12:12' as start_date , '2021-06-14 23:10:12' as end_date
,sum(tp) over(order by dt) as num
from (
,start_date as dt
,1 as tp
from tmp
union all
,end_date as dt
,-1 as tp
from tmp
题目3 滑动窗口问题
with tmp as(
select 1101 as order_id, 'a' as user_id, '已支付' as order_status, '2023-01-01 10:00:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1102 as order_id, 'a' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 10:10:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1103 as order_id, 'a' as user_id, '待支付' as order_status, '2023-01-01 10:20:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1104 as order_id, 'b' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 10:30:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1105 as order_id, 'a' as user_id, '待确认' as order_status, '2023-01-01 10:50:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1106 as order_id, 'a' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 11:00:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1107 as order_id, 'b' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 11:40:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1108 as order_id, 'b' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 11:50:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1109 as order_id, 'b' as user_id, '已支付' as order_status, '2023-01-01 12:00:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1110 as order_id, 'b' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 12:11:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1111 as order_id, 'c' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 12:20:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1112 as order_id, 'c' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 12:30:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1113 as order_id, 'c' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 12:55:00' as operate_time
union all
select 1114 as order_id, 'c' as user_id, '已取消' as order_status, '2023-01-01 13:00:00' as operate_time
from (
,count(order_id) over(partition by user_id order by ts range between 30 * 60 preceding and current row) as cancel_cnt
from (
,unix_timestamp(operate_time) as ts
from tmp
where order_status = '已取消'
where cancel_cnt >= 3
group by
题目4 间隔连续问题
下面是某游戏公司记录的用户每日登录数据, 计算每个用户最大的连续登录天数,定义连续登录时可以间隔一天。举例:如果一个用户在 1,3,5,6,9 登录了游戏,则视为连续 6 天登录。
with tmp as(
select 1001 as id,'2021-12-12' as dt
union all
select 1002 as id,'2021-12-12' as dt
union all
select 1001 as id,'2021-12-13' as dt
union all
select 1001 as id,'2021-12-14' as dt
union all
select 1001 as id,'2021-12-16' as dt
union all
select 1002 as id,'2021-12-16' as dt
union all
select 1001 as id,'2021-12-19' as dt
union all
select 1002 as id,'2021-12-17' as dt
union all
select 1001 as id,'2021-12-20' as dt
,max(days) as max_days
from (
,datediff(max(dt), min(dt)) + 1 as days
from (
,sum(if(datediff(dt, last_dt) <= 2, 0, 1)) over(partition by id order by dt) as tp
from (
,lag(dt, 1, dt) over(partition by id order by dt) as last_dt
from tmp
group by
group by
题目5 有效值追溯
with tmp as (
select 101 as product_id,300.39 as cost,'2023-11-01' as date
union all
select 102 as product_id,500 as cost,'2023-11-02' as date
union all
select 101 as product_id,0 as cost,'2023-11-03' as date
union all
select 101 as product_id,null as cost,'2023-11-04' as date
union all
select 102 as product_id,600 as cost,'2023-11-04' as date
union all
select 102 as product_id,null as cost,'2023-11-05' as date
union all
select 103 as product_id,983 as cost,'2023-11-06' as date
,last_value(cost, true) over(partition by product_id order by date) as last_cost
from (
,if(cost = 0.0, null, cost) as cost
from tmp
题目6 分钟级的趋势图
在Hive或者ODPS中,怎么用sql实现分钟级的趋势图?比如从交易表中,如何统计0点到每分钟的交易趋势图?原表:trade_A(trade_id,pay_time(格式是2020-08-05 10:30:28),pay_gmv)。希望用sql实现分钟级的0点到当前分钟的GMV。结果表:result_A(minute_rn(分钟顺序),pay_gmv_td(每分钟的交易额,都是0点到当前分钟的累加值))。
with tmp as (
select 101 as trade_id,'2020-08-05 00:30:28' as pay_time,100 as pay_gmv
union all
select 102 as trade_id,'2020-08-05 00:30:58' as pay_time,200 as pay_gmv
union all
select 103 as trade_id,'2020-08-05 00:35:28' as pay_time,300 as pay_gmv
union all
select 104 as trade_id,'2020-08-05 01:36:28' as pay_time,400 as pay_gmv
union all
select 105 as trade_id,'2020-08-06 00:20:28' as pay_time,500 as pay_gmv
union all
select 106 as trade_id,'2020-08-06 00:21:28' as pay_time,600 as pay_gmv
,sum(nvl(t2.pay_gmv, 0)) over(partition by from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(t1.pay_time), 'yyyy-MM-dd') order by t1.pay_time) as pay_gmv
from (
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(min_pay_time) + tab.pos * 60) as pay_time
from (
min(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(pay_time), 'yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00')) as min_pay_time
,max(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(pay_time), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:00')) as max_pay_time
from tmp
lateral view posexplode(split(repeat(',', (unix_timestamp(max_pay_time) - unix_timestamp(min_pay_time)) / 60), '')) tab as pos, val
) t1
left join (
,from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(pay_time), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:00') as pay_time
from tmp
) t2
on t1.pay_time = t2.pay_time